exida provides the users of automated systems with the ability to cost-effectively implement safety and high availability automated systems.
We do this by creating engineering tools that ease the implementation of systems, by coaching and training in implementation of the safety lifecycle, and by providing a full range of safety lifecycle services for those who want independent verification or just extra help.
exida has made the process of designing, installing and maintaining your safety and high availability automation system easier. Years of experience in the industry have allowed us to crystallize our knowledge and convert that knowledge into standard products. These products include procedures for implementing safety lifecycle tasks, safety software tools including SIL selection and SIL verification, our industry standard data handbook and “cook book” templates for all phases of design.
Although our products will help you minimize the costs of safety and high availability automation, we realize there are situations where you will require an in depth analysis, or intensive training. We have the ability to solve the complex issues and stand ready to assist when needed – Hazard and Risk Analysis, SIL selection, conceptual SIF design, SIL verification calculations, Maintenance and Test procedures or any other safety lifecycle activity. We are most willing to train you as well, either as part of a project or by standard courses. By using exida you have access to training from the professionals who are training industry’s leading experts. .
After the system has been designed, built, or installed, users benefit from independent third party review, especially in situations where the risk, complexity, or cost of the SIS are high. From factory acceptance testing, to bid review, to pre-startup acceptance testing exida will fulfill your verification and validation needs.
exida can provide a full set of “sample” engineering procedures compliant with IEC 61511/ISA 84.01- 2004. These are used by many companies to compare against their existing safety system design procedures. We can help with that comparison. We can help write updated procedures. exida can also provide an independent assessment against the requirements of IEC 61511 and provide a full safety case demonstrating compliant processes.