
exida Academy 为您提供全面的安全功能,ICS的网络安保和报警管理培训。


exida Academy

       exida Academy提供全面的功能过程安全,网络安全ICS 和报警管理培训给最终用户行业专业人士,以及原始设备制造商. 我们的课程具有多元组合,包括从单日的公开课到为期几周的量身定制的现场培训研讨会. 通过提供课程给入门级,从业级和专家水平的学员,我们的目标是与他们分享我们不断发展的知识和技能, 以便让他们把这些知识用于成本效益的设计,建造,操作和维护最佳安全和可靠的自动化系统,作为适用于他们的职能责任. exida Academy是基于exida的卓越可靠自动化的愿景为核心建立的。

       The exida Academy Global Course Schedule can be viewed here


  • 报警管理
  • 安全功能 (汽车)
  • 安全功能 (过程工业)
  • ICS 网络安保


Functional Safety Practitioner (FSP) Certificate Program

All attendees can earn a Functional Safety Practitioner (FSP) Certificate by passing a subsequent examination that will be given at the conclusion of a number of exida courses including the CFSE / CFSP preparatory course IEC 61511: Functional Safety Analysis, Design, and Operation (FSE 100).



ALM 101 - Introduction to Alarm Management Practices & Principles

Operator response to alarms is a critical layer of protection to prevent a plant upset from escalating to an incident. Poor alarm management has been cited as a contributor to numerous industry incidents. Application of alarm management best practices can help increase operator productivity leading to optimized production and less unplanned downtime. The course will show how the ISA-18.2-2009 standard “Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries”, and the alarm management lifecycle defined in it, can be used to address common alarm management issues (e.g., nuisance alarms, alarm floods) and to create an effective, sustainable alarm management program that delivers quantifiable benefits.

ALM 241 - Alarm Rationalization with SILAlarm

Attendees will learn how to conduct alarm rationalization of greenfield (new) or brownfield (existing) applications in order to optimize performance of their alarm systems. The class immerses participants in discussion and hands on exercises which have been designed to demonstrate the best practices and requirements for rationalization as taken from the ISA-18.2 alarm management standard and EEMUA 191 guideline. The class focuses on how rationalization can lead to improved operator performance by eliminating / preventing common alarm problems such as nuisance / chattering / stale alarms, incorrect priority, alarm overload, and alarm floods. It also includes a discussion on tips and tricks for creating an alarm philosophy document, such as how to effectively define the “rules” for rationalization. Exercises will use exida’s SILAlarm rationalization tool.


AUT 211 - Automotive ISO 26262: Road Vehicles Functional Safety

ISO 26262 is a functional safety standard intended to be applied to the development of software for electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems in automobiles. ISO 26262 is an adaptation of the broader IEC 61508 safety standard, which has been used to derive safety standards for the nuclear power, machinery, railway, and other industries. It is aimed at reducing risks associated with software for safety functions to a tolerable level by providing feasible requirements and processes. This course offers an introductory to the standard from a software and hardware level.


FSE 241 - SIL Selection and SIL Verification with exSILentia

Attendees will learn how to perform Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Selection and Verification using the advanced capabilities of exSILentia® . This will help users determine the required risk reduction for each hazard scenario and the achieved risk reduction for each identified Safety Instrumented Function (SIF). The class will also cover interfacing with Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) results, documentation of the Safety Requirements Specification (SRS), and operational aspects such as proof testing.

FSE 242 - Process Hazard Analysis with PHAx

Process Hazard Analysis with PHAx™, FSE 242, details how the exSILentia PHAx™ module can be used to conduct HAZOP methodology based Process Hazard Analysis. This course is targeted towards students that are experienced in process hazard analysis who want to learn how to leverage the advanced features of PHAx™. It will cover how to configure a project, define risk criteria, and use the advanced libraries to store valuable project specific information. The students will learn how to define units, nodes, and how to benefit from the PHAx™ smart deviations. It also addresses how hazard scenarios are to be defined for use in subsequent lifecycle phases.

FSE 243 - Layer of Protection Analysis with LOPAx™ and Safety Requirements Specification with SRS

Layer of Protection Analysis with LOPAx™ and Safety Requirements Specification with SRS, FSE 243, explains how the exSILentia LOPAx™ module is used to conduct a Layer of Protection Analysis and how SIF requirements can be documented using the exSILentia SRS module. This course is targeted towards students that have a general understanding of layer of protection analysis and safety requirements specifications who want to learn how to leverage the advanced features of LOPAx™ and SRS. It will cover how to analyze hazard scenarios considering the frequency of initiating events and the probability of failure for each independent protection layer (IPL) as well as enabling conditions and conditional modifiers. This course will show how to calculate the required Risk Reduction Factor of an IPL and identify Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF). Users will learn how to record mandatory functional and integrity requirements for each SIF. It will teach users how to transfer data from PHAx™ to LOPAx™ as well as from LOPAx™ to SRS.

FSE 244 - SIL verification with SILver™

SIL verification with SILver™, FSE 244, explains how the exSILentia SILver™ module is used to perform a SIL verification for Safety Instrumented Functions. Students will learn to leverage the tool to model different SIF architectures ranging from simple 1oo1 configuration to more complex examples. This course also covers review of the key parameters that determine the probability of failure of a SIF as well as minimum hardware fault tolerance and systematic capability aspects. It will show the impact of these parameters on the detailed design, implementation, and operation of the SIF. Furthermore, students will learn how to transfer data from the SILver™ module to the Design SRS module and subsequently complete the Design SRS requirements. Finally, the course covers the impact of proof testing and specification of proof test procedures using the Proof Test Generator module.

FSE 245 - Life Event recording with SILStat™

Layer of Protection Analysis with LOPAx™ and Safety Requirements Specification with SRS, FSE 243, explains how the exSILentia LOPAx™ module is used to conduct a Layer of Protection Analysis and how SIF requirements can be documented using the exSILentia SRS module. This course is targeted towards students that have a general understanding of layer of protection analysis and safety requirements specifications who want to learn how to leverage the advanced features of LOPAx™ and SRS. It will cover how to analyze hazard scenarios considering the frequency of initiating events and the probability of failure for each independent protection layer (IPL) as well as enabling conditions and conditional modifiers. This course will show how to calculate the required Risk Reduction Factor of an IPL and identify Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF). Users will learn how to record mandatory functional and integrity requirements for each SIF. It will teach users how to transfer data from PHAx™ to LOPAx™ as well as from LOPAx™ to SRS.

FSE 246 - Generating logic using the DeltaV SIS Configurator

Generating logic using the DeltaV SIS Configurator, FSE 246, explains how the exSILentia DeltaV SIS Configurator plug-in is used to generate logic for a DeltaV SIS system. Students will learn how to generate logic for their DeltaV SIS logic solver using their conceptual SIF design information from the SILver™ and the Design SRS modules. This course will review how selections made in exSILentia will impact the logic creation process. It will also provide instruction on generating a cause and effect matrix representing the logic.


FSE 100 - IEC 61511: Functional Safety Analysis, Design, and Operation

This course forms a broad review in preparation for the Certified Functional Safety Expert (CFSE) and Certified Functional Safety Professional (CFSP) process industry application engineering exams.

It provides an overview of process industry safety engineering from the point of view of the Risk Analyst, Process Safety Coordinator, and Control Systems Design Engineer.

This course delivers a complete overview of the functional safety lifecycle. The course reviews Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Consequence Analysis, Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Target Selection, Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) generation, failure rates, device and system reliability, SIF verification, SIF detailed design and Operations requirements.

FSE 104 - Applying IEC 61511 to Burner Management Systems

This course provides an overview on how to implement a performance based Burner Management System (BMS) and move away from the constraints of a prescription based standard for safety function design, especially when waste fuels are introduced into boilers or process heaters. The IEC 61511 standard is the functional safety standard specific to the Process Industry sector. This standard introduces a safety lifecycle concept which is a structured engineering process to ensure functional safety is achieved in a plant. The standard also focuses on evaluation of process risk and required risk reduction, if necessary. The safety lifecycle approach to BMS will address any deficiencies in design, testing, documentation, maintenance or modification requirements.

FSE 110 - Machine Functional Safety Engineering - IEC 62061

IEC61508 is the foundation for many industries, including Machine Safety. Today, ISO13849 and IEC62061 are 2 main distinctive standards used as the building blocks. Machine safety is particularly relevant to professionals who are responsible for validating the safety of machines that use either simple lower risk/complexity systems or complex systems such as PLC’s for safety duties. New standards like the ones mentioned above are continually being developed, placing unfamiliar requirements on the task of assuring machine safety, especially when more complex equipment such as PLC’s are used. With technology changing, effective competency training of individuals who are responsible for specifying, designing, or otherwise applying technology to safety applications is increasing in demand. This course will walk the candidate through the machine safety lifecycle and will learn about Risk, how to reduce the Risk, how to determine SIL, and much more. The main goal of this course is to make not only the plant safer but also to ensure the safety of your staff and financial health of your organization.

FSE 211 - IEC 61508 - An Introduction to Functional Safety

The IEC 61508 standard for functional safety of electrical/electronic and programmable electronic systems explains the concepts of safety integrity levels, the safety lifecycle and many detail requirements needed to ensure functional safety. The standard is comprehensively reviewed and explained. Documentation requirements, project implications, and maintenance/operational implications are explained. Checklists and other implementation tools are presented.

FSE 213 - IEC 61508 – An Introduction to Functional Safety for Mechanical Elements

The IEC 61508 standard for functional safety of electrical /electronic and programmable electronic systems, explains the concepts of safety integrity levels, the safety lifecycle, and many detail requirements needed to ensure functional safety. The standard is comprehensively reviewed, and documentation requirements, project implica¬tions, and maintenance/operational implications are explained. Also, checklists and other implementation tools are presented.

FSE 222 - Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) Using HAZOP

This two day course provides sound and detailed instruction into how to carry out an effective HAZOP study and where PHA methods fit into the overall process safety management work process and the IEC 61511 safety lifecycle. As part of performing a HAZOP, the importance of process safety information, risk criteria, and documentation will be covered. The course will acknowledge many hazard identification techniques, but will focus on HAZOP, providing students the opportunity to work through hands on exercises in detail to gain the skills needed to facilitate a HAZOP study. These exercises will demonstrate how any hazard identification technique provides a foundation for other more advanced activities designed to estimate risk. Coverage of PHA documentation allows the student to see how the technical foundation they help develop is used throughout the life of the facility.

FSE 224 - Layer of Protection Analysis for the Practitioner

This course is designed for practitioners and those who are either participants in facilitated layer of protection analysis (LOPA) or simply want a better understanding. It covers all facets of performing LOPA. It lays the foundation with basic probability math and event tree analysis, as well as topics on human error and common mode failure. The transition to LOPA from a basic HAZOP is covered, considering the impact of corporate risk criteria. Initiating causes, enabling events, independent layers of protection, and conditional modifiers are all covered. To drive the methodology home, hands on workshops are conducted.

FSE 227 - Control Hazard and Operability Analysis (CHAZOP)

This course covers various CHAZOP methodologies as a function of the intended CHAZOP goals and indicates where a CHAZOP fits into the overall process safety management work process and the IEC 61511 safety lifecycle. Students are provided the opportunity to work through hands on exercises in detail for the key CHAZOP methodologies to gain the skills needed to facilitate a study. These exercises demonstrate the potential benefits of performing the various CHAZOP methodologies. Coverage of documentation allows the student to see how the technical foundation may be used.

FSE 230 - Fire and Gas Detection Design and Technology

Micropack and exida's Certified Fire and Gas Practitioner Training programmer provides delegates with a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of Fire and Gas Detection Technology; from performance based design (fire and gas mapping) through to practical maintenance requirements.


CS 101 - IEC 62443: 7 Steps to Industrial Control System Cybersecurity

This course provides an introduction to industrial control system (ICS) cybersecurity and a practical 7 step process for implementation regards operating, maintaining, and integrating ICS/SCADA systems. We have simplified the material from numerous standards and best practice documents, such as ANSI/ISA 99, IEC 62443 and NERC CIP, and coupled it with our experience in assessing the security of dozens of industrial control systems to bring you this easy to follow process. This course was designed to get you up to speed quickly on control system security best practices by presenting the material in an organized, straightforward and easy to understand manner. Attending this course will get you started and on the right path in far less time than it would if you were to start diving in on your own.

CS 121 - Introduction to Industrial Networking

Ethernet has become the predominant technology as the fieldbus for modern process and control networks. While this technology brings many advantages, it also brings with it many disadvantages. Among them is that Ethernet is mostly a unfamiliar technology for many Process and Control technicians and engineers. This 1-day course covers the basics of Ethernet Industrial Control Networks found in most process and control environments. We will cover foundation knowledge of Ethernet networks, communications, discuss different network devices and their functions and use, discuss and review a sampling of Industrial protocols. Labs are included to reinforce the knowledge.

CS 201 - Security Development Lifecycle Training

The Security Development Lifecycle training course and workshop was created specifically for developers of industrial control system products with a particular focus on network-enabled embedded control system products such as PLCs, DCSs, SISs, RTUs, VFDs, etc. The objective of this course is to train R&D teams, through a combination of lecture and workshop, on how to properly and effectively integrate software security assurance practices and techniques into their existing software development lifecycle. The training covers all phases of IEC 62443-4-1 (Product Development Lifecycle Requirements) as well as IEC 62443-4-2 (Technical Security Requirements for IACS components), and the ISASecure™ Software Development Security Assurance (SDSA) certification program.

CS 221 - Advanced Industrial Networking

Ethernet has become the predominant technology as the fieldbus for modern process and control networks. While this technology brings many advantages, it also brings with it many disadvantages. Among them is that Ethernet is a mostly unfamiliar technology for many Process and Control technicians and engineers. This 2-day course expands on the Introduction to Industrial Networking course and the knowledge to dive much deeper into Ethernet Technology. We will cover advanced topics such as VPN, NAT, Redundancy, etc. We will also discuss many more protocols, how they operate, and how they may affect a process and control network. Exercises are included to reinforce knowledge.